Category: Connections

  • About Relationships

    About Relationships

    This post is about relationships. Since I reflected on how close relationships work, I’ll share some of my thoughts here. They are a bit sketchy – let’s see what you think. Connection as a Starter Let’s take a step back and look at what lies under relationships: connections. To have a relationship, we must connect.…

  • Being right or being connected?

    Being right or being connected?

    This week, I’m reflecting on being right. Let me start with connections. I think I’ve established that connections are important for happiness. Long-term connections like relationships provide us with good loads of the love (and happy) hormone Oxytocin. As a refresher, Oxytocin helps us to form bonds by developing trust. Humans are not specifically strong…

  • Reflection on Parenthood

    Reflection on Parenthood

    It’s school holidays – the time when kids are not occupied with school but hang out at home (unless it’s travel time or they are booked in vacation care). Time for a reflection on parenthood! My kids are now 6 and 8 and I still cannot believe how fast time went. Just yesterday, I squeezed…

  • Outlander Lessons in Love

    Outlander Lessons in Love

    In between my last uni assignment marking and being sick, I rewatched (again) Outlander. Yes, the successful Starz series also running on Netflix. And yes, based on the very successful books. Claire and Jamie’s love and family story embedded in detailed-described historic events (a lot of battles and a lot of blood and killing) and…

  • Competition


    The European soccer championships offer a good starting point to explore competition. While the championships are entertaining, competition causes so much unhappiness. So, why do we keep comparing ourselves to others? Why competition? According to Loretta Graziano’s book Habits of a Happy Brain, herd animals (humans belong to that group) constantly measure all others around…

  • Shocking incidents and fear

    Shocking incidents and fear

    This email is about exploring happiness, and, as a reminder my definition of happiness is embracing life with all its challenges, making as many positive moments as possible without ignoring the negative ones. We cannot avoid shocking incidents and fear, so this is a reflection about how to deal with this. So, happiness is not…

  • Episode 34 – Jealousy

    Episode 34 – Jealousy

    Ah, jealousy! The infamous green-eyed monster that rears its head when we perceive someone else to possess something we desire (that’s actually envy but it doesn’t matter much). While it may seem like an unwelcome emotion, jealousy actually serves a purpose in our lives. It acts as a powerful indicator, highlighting our deepest desires and…

  • Episode 32 – Parenthood

    Episode 32 – Parenthood

    What about parenthood and happiness? Some parents swear that children make them happy. Others swear that their children have made their hair grey. Parenthood and happiness There is a lot of happiness in all that oxytocin released by young children needing lots of hugs and touch. Being together, having meaningful love relationships and also working…

  • Episode 22 – Connections

    Episode 22 – Connections

    This episode is part of the Exploring Happiness Framework series. Connections is pillar number 3. For us humans, it is super important to connect. We feel safer in numbers. Connecting with others releases Oxytocin which makes us happy. It helps us to trust others and bond with them. There are two types of connections –…

  • Episode 6 – Prosocial Behaviour

    Episode 6 – Prosocial Behaviour

    In episode 6 of the Exploring Happiness podcast, I talk about engaging in prosocial behaviour as an intentional activity to make us happier. I like the term prosocial behaviour but I probably should rather say connecting with others, turning towards people (and not away from them). I outline the two important connection types which I…