Tag: Practical Tips

  • Healing and Brainwaves

    Healing and Brainwaves

    While I’m sitting on the train from Denmark where I visited my brother and his family to Hamburg, Germany, where my parents live (and I was born and raised) and I’m looking at the Danish landscape flying by, I reflect on healing and brainwaves. My brother lives with his family outside a small city in…

  • The Paleo Question

    The Paleo Question

    I had planned to write about laughing today. But I have this other idea swirling in my head and demanding attention. Actually, it’s more like a question. About how paleo actually worked. After going paleo for a few months, I’ve returned to eating everything (except seafood and dairy because of allergies). But I’m trying to…

  • The Future We Choose

    The Future We Choose

    This week I covered Climate Change in the university tutorials. I read one of the recommended texts in preparation and got a quite crippling anxiety attack. Not that I’m not aware of Climate Change. Indeed, I’ve been trying to do quite a bit to reduce my Carbon footprint by composting, grocery shopping in bulk-buy shops…

  • Dreams and Procrastination

    Dreams and Procrastination

    So, I have a dream. Yes, I always wanted to write that Martin Luther King quote. That wasn’t my dream though. I’ve been developing a course called Introduction to Happiness Skills. My dream is to live from selling this course (and maybe others I’ll develop) and these are my reflections on procrastination. Dreams and procrastination…

  • Time after Time

    Time after Time

    Last week, a friend and I were reflecting on time and I believe this is a great blog topic. Besides not having enough money, other people not really getting us and our health being challenging, lacking time seems to be one of the major reasons why we cannot be happy. Do you agree? Have you…

  • Find Happiness in Unlikely Situations

    Find Happiness in Unlikely Situations

    I met a friend for coffee. In our conversation, I mentioned that I’m now able to live on the dole (welfare payments). I casually mentioned how much that is. My friend said ‘oh, yeah, that’s not much’ and offered me toiletries she gets for free from a friend. Maybe she just made conversation but let’s…

  • Water Tank

    Water Tank

    I’m at the point where I suspect happiness has almost everything to do with relaxation. Some excitement is good but since the world causes usually lots of stress (or we do), it’s really about lots of breathing and calming the nervous system. With a calmer nervous system, it is easier to see opportunities (and act…

  • Happiness is my Priority

    Happiness is my Priority

    For the last 10 days, I have been experimenting with a challenge – the Happiness is my Priority challenge. Every day, I post on ​Instagram ​“Happiness is my Priority“. I create a new post daily, not copying or recycling old posts or scheduling them days ahead. The importance lies in the intention to commit newly…

  • Shocking incidents and fear

    Shocking incidents and fear

    This email is about exploring happiness, and, as a reminder my definition of happiness is embracing life with all its challenges, making as many positive moments as possible without ignoring the negative ones. We cannot avoid shocking incidents and fear, so this is a reflection about how to deal with this. So, happiness is not…

  • Episode 28 – Rituals

    Episode 28 – Rituals

    Rituals are part of all cultures and traditions. We pass rituals down from generation to generation. In this episode, I reflect on the link between rituals and happiness. What are rituals? Rituals are activities (or gestures, words or sounds) performed in a certain order. These activities are symbolic, and the ritual doesn’t have to be…