World of Happiness

World of Happiness - Anja Wendt

What if I’d say that you looking after your happiness makes the world better/happier? Well, it’s not really my wisdom – many before have come to this result. But think about it, if you’re happier you’re more relaxed. You can listen more, you can share better, you are more considerate to fellow living things on this earth.


If you are embracing happiness you embrace the concept of abundance – at least to some extent. Consumption which is destroying the human living conditions on this planet (don’t worry, climate change and global warming won’t destroy nature, just the resources for humans to continue life) comes from a scarcity mindset. At least, this over-consumption we are practising currently. Happy people need less stuff.

Nature - Anja Wendt World of Happiness

Poverty and Deprivation

If you are embracing happiness, property, power and privilege are only marginally important. Sharing becomes easier and you don’t have to insist that everyone needs to contribute according to social standards to receive support. Contribution becomes a wider definition and you start seeing that everyone contributes somehow and nobody is just lazy and wants to rely on support. Whoever you consider as lazy might be exhausted, feel undervalued or overwhelmed by expectations and life challenges but not lazy. Give anyone hope and they contribute.

Together - Anja Wendt World of Happiness

This opens the opportunity to share resources more equally so that poverty, hunger and also social and economic disadvantage could be reduced or erradicated. There are so many resources like money, food, knowledge and other resources. Why shouldn’t they be shared? As a happy person, you are more willing to consider this question. It is more fun to be happy together with others than on the cost of others.

Conflict and War

If resources, privilege and power are shared more equally, why would people want to hurt, terrorise or kill others? Just saying…


Happiness gets you out of the constant stress which makes us all sick. Stress makes us consume too much sugar, processed foods with crappy ingredients, coffee, alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and stimulants. Stress makes us move and sleep too little. It causes inflammation which eventually overwhelms the body’s immune protection and repair system causing cancer, auto-immune illnesses, heart disease, diabetes etc. I sometimes wonder if having such a proficient health care system makes life last only longer under all that stress or actually helps with life quality. Happiness is about what you actually can control and what is better to let go. This is a way to relax. Which again is a great way to heal.

World of Happiness?

So, if you are happier, the world becomes happier. Happiness is contagious. Your smile might let someone else smile and not shout at their colleague/employee/child/partner. That person who is not shouted at will also feel better, valued and understood and potentially pass that feeling to the next person. Just saying – it’s contagious. So, why not embrace some happiness? If you don’t really know how to, here is a list of happiness skills.

Want more concrete tips?

What else?

Do you have any tips? Send them to and I add them to the list.