Tag: letting go

  • It’s all perception

    It’s all perception

    Recently, I discovered a German podcast (in German) called Das Leben des Brain (The Life of Brain) inspired by Monty Python’s Life of Brian. It’s an entertaining educational overview of scientific studies about how the brain functions created by the journalist Bent Freiwald. I binged myself through all episodes within a few days and here…

  • The Weight of the World

    The Weight of the World

    Recently, I met a friend. We spend a lovely evening together talking about anything and everything. One recurring theme is how annoyed my friend is at work. She has been at her workplace for a few years now and understands how the system works well. Since there are colleagues who have joined more recently, she…

  • Messiness of Life

    Messiness of Life

    One strong happiness maker is the feeling of control – having a say in your life. However, being able to embrace the messiness of life and the uncontrollable is another strong happiness maker. Yes, exactly this paradox describes the messiness of life well. In the following, I’m unpacking four statements to explain what I mean…

  • Episode 25 – Letting Go

    Episode 25 – Letting Go

    This episode of the Exploring Happiness podcast is dedicated to letting go, the last pillar of the Exploring Happiness Framework. While the other pillars – dreams, resources, mindset, health and connections – are about accepting control and taking action to be happy, letting go is the opposite. Letting go describes being prepared, having set up…

  • Episode 19 – The Exploring Happiness Framework

    Episode 19 – The Exploring Happiness Framework

    The Exploring Happiness podcast is back with a second season, starting with the Exploring Happiness Framework. I developed the framework after extensive research. The six pillars, Mindset, Health, Connections, Resources, Dreams and Letting Go, are based on what I identified as happy or unhappy makers. These are the levers and buttons we can use to…