Episode 12 – Play

Episode 12 - Play

Episode 12 of the Exploring Happiness podcast is all about Play. I used this article to kickstart me.

Play is great because it helps relieve stress, improves brain function, boosts mind and creativity, improves relationships and makes us feels more energetic and young. Play can be extensive or just a little joke here and there. It is unstructured and not aimed at productivity and reaching life goals. Playing does help our productivity and reaching life goals, though. One of the reasons, it’s important for happiness.

Listen to the episode here and share your story or feedback in the comment box below:

If you haven’t listened to my other episodes yet, check out my Podcast overview page. There are episodes about what happiness is and who is responsible for yours. I have recorded also episodes about health, gratitude, mindset and social connections as well as global warming, negativity bias and a couple of book reviews.

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Please share the episode with anyone who might like it. It helps them and me and hopefully you 😉

Have a happy day!

Happy Sunflowers Anja Wendt
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