Author: Anja

  • It’s all perception

    It’s all perception

    Recently, I discovered a German podcast (in German) called Das Leben des Brain (The Life of Brain) inspired by Monty Python’s Life of Brian. It’s an entertaining educational overview of scientific studies about how the brain functions created by the journalist Bent Freiwald. I binged myself through all episodes within a few days and here…

  • Brain Confusion

    Brain Confusion

    The other day, I listened to a podcast about the brain and they talked about brain confusion. No, that’s not when you can’t find the car keys or remember if you bought carrots when you are in the veggie aisle of the supermarket. They made it up by copying the concept from muscle confusion. What’s…

  • Healing and Brainwaves

    Healing and Brainwaves

    While I’m sitting on the train from Denmark where I visited my brother and his family to Hamburg, Germany, where my parents live (and I was born and raised) and I’m looking at the Danish landscape flying by, I reflect on healing and brainwaves. My brother lives with his family outside a small city in…

  • Travelling and Happiness Tank

    Travelling and Happiness Tank

    This week was a bit chaotic because I’m travelling. I had several blog post drafts and a lot more ideas but I couldn’t get them finished. Interestingly, not because I didn’t have time. I did. But I couldn’t get myself to. Sounds like procrastination? Maybe. So, what was going on? Well, I’m writing to you…

  • The Weight of the World

    The Weight of the World

    Recently, I met a friend. We spend a lovely evening together talking about anything and everything. One recurring theme is how annoyed my friend is at work. She has been at her workplace for a few years now and understands how the system works well. Since there are colleagues who have joined more recently, she…

  • About Relationships

    About Relationships

    This post is about relationships. Since I reflected on how close relationships work, I’ll share some of my thoughts here. They are a bit sketchy – let’s see what you think. Connection as a Starter Let’s take a step back and look at what lies under relationships: connections. To have a relationship, we must connect.…

  • The Paleo Question

    The Paleo Question

    I had planned to write about laughing today. But I have this other idea swirling in my head and demanding attention. Actually, it’s more like a question. About how paleo actually worked. After going paleo for a few months, I’ve returned to eating everything (except seafood and dairy because of allergies). But I’m trying to…

  • The Future We Choose

    The Future We Choose

    This week I covered Climate Change in the university tutorials. I read one of the recommended texts in preparation and got a quite crippling anxiety attack. Not that I’m not aware of Climate Change. Indeed, I’ve been trying to do quite a bit to reduce my Carbon footprint by composting, grocery shopping in bulk-buy shops…

  • Impressions from Mandurang

    Impressions from Mandurang

    No reflection this week. I took the kids on a road trip to Victoria (a southern Australian state) where I got a booking for a free cancer retreat accommodation (thanks, Otis Foundation!). So, this week is on impressions from Mandurang. Happy Nostalgia After not driving for years and not owning a car (I rented one),…

  • Dreams and Procrastination

    Dreams and Procrastination

    So, I have a dream. Yes, I always wanted to write that Martin Luther King quote. That wasn’t my dream though. I’ve been developing a course called Introduction to Happiness Skills. My dream is to live from selling this course (and maybe others I’ll develop) and these are my reflections on procrastination. Dreams and procrastination…