Author: Anja

  • Reflection on Parenthood

    Reflection on Parenthood

    It’s school holidays – the time when kids are not occupied with school but hang out at home (unless it’s travel time or they are booked in vacation care). Time for a reflection on parenthood! My kids are now 6 and 8 and I still cannot believe how fast time went. Just yesterday, I squeezed…

  • Find Happiness in Unlikely Situations

    Find Happiness in Unlikely Situations

    I met a friend for coffee. In our conversation, I mentioned that I’m now able to live on the dole (welfare payments). I casually mentioned how much that is. My friend said ‘oh, yeah, that’s not much’ and offered me toiletries she gets for free from a friend. Maybe she just made conversation but let’s…

  • Outlander Lessons in Love

    Outlander Lessons in Love

    In between my last uni assignment marking and being sick, I rewatched (again) Outlander. Yes, the successful Starz series also running on Netflix. And yes, based on the very successful books. Claire and Jamie’s love and family story embedded in detailed-described historic events (a lot of battles and a lot of blood and killing) and…

  • Competition


    The European soccer championships offer a good starting point to explore competition. While the championships are entertaining, competition causes so much unhappiness. So, why do we keep comparing ourselves to others? Why competition? According to Loretta Graziano’s book Habits of a Happy Brain, herd animals (humans belong to that group) constantly measure all others around…

  • Benefits of Pain

    Benefits of Pain

    Pain is so ever-present that I would like to work on a definition first. Pain is a feeling showing that something is wrong, emotionally or physically. Can we agree on that? Can we also agree that this might be beneficial? I’ve been reflecting on pain and its benefits because of the different thresholds I’ve been…

  • Water Tank

    Water Tank

    I’m at the point where I suspect happiness has almost everything to do with relaxation. Some excitement is good but since the world causes usually lots of stress (or we do), it’s really about lots of breathing and calming the nervous system. With a calmer nervous system, it is easier to see opportunities (and act…

  • Happiness is my Priority

    Happiness is my Priority

    For the last 10 days, I have been experimenting with a challenge – the Happiness is my Priority challenge. Every day, I post on ​Instagram ​“Happiness is my Priority“. I create a new post daily, not copying or recycling old posts or scheduling them days ahead. The importance lies in the intention to commit newly…

  • Frustration and Happiness

    Frustration and Happiness

    Today I’m sharing my reflections on frustration. Frustration falls under the category of negative emotions. It’s on the scale with anger – a less aggressive form of anger. Frustration gets us into the tunnel view, letting us think that we are not good or supported enough. So, let’s deconstruct that a bit and find how…

  • Manifesting 10k per month

    Manifesting 10k per month

    Abundance and manifesting – yes, I’m back at this topic. Not so surprising when we remember that I made myself homeless because I didn’t have enough money for rent. At the same time, I’m not worried. There’s always been money for the things I really wanted. I just can’t “order” or manifest a random sum…

  • Dropping Weight

    Dropping Weight

    It’s been a while. I had to drop out and do life stuff… dropping weight. How? Here it goes: First, on my last day of tutoring I made the decision to move out of my home of 11 years and become… well, homeless. After my now-ex-husband moved out 3 years ago, the rent was way…