Episode 20 – Mindset

Exploring Happiness Podcast Episode 20 - Mindset

After introducing the Exploring Happiness Framework in the last episode, this episode is dedicated to the first pillar of the framework: Mindset. I’m diving into all the things we can influence but also those which influence us more than they should.

While our thoughts can dominate us, we can also work out how to control them. It helps to understand how the brain works. We don’t have to become neuroscientists; superficial knowledge helps already.

Firstly, learn about beliefs and those brain patterns engraved in our grey masses during childhood and adolescence. They are overwritable, but it is essential to become aware of them first.

Secondly, our negativity bias is meant to protect us from threats. However, it often blows up negligible events. Realising that helps to overcome our tendency to register and remember negative events as more important than positive ones.

Finally, we can trigger happy hormones intentionally to feel happy emotions. This can help us get out of a negative mindset. It can help us to get unstuck and joyful. Isn’t that great? 😉

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Look at the Podcast overview page if you haven’t listened to my other episodes. I have covered general topics like what happiness is and how gratitude, positive thinking, being social and healthy habits support happiness. I’m talking about topics like global warming, play and negativity bias. And most importantly, I have answered the question of who is responsible for your happiness and what to do about it.

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Have a happy day!