Tag: resources

  • The Paleo Question

    The Paleo Question

    I had planned to write about laughing today. But I have this other idea swirling in my head and demanding attention. Actually, it’s more like a question. About how paleo actually worked. After going paleo for a few months, I’ve returned to eating everything (except seafood and dairy because of allergies). But I’m trying to…

  • The Future We Choose

    The Future We Choose

    This week I covered Climate Change in the university tutorials. I read one of the recommended texts in preparation and got a quite crippling anxiety attack. Not that I’m not aware of Climate Change. Indeed, I’ve been trying to do quite a bit to reduce my Carbon footprint by composting, grocery shopping in bulk-buy shops…

  • Impressions from Mandurang

    Impressions from Mandurang

    No reflection this week. I took the kids on a road trip to Victoria (a southern Australian state) where I got a booking for a free cancer retreat accommodation (thanks, Otis Foundation!). So, this week is on impressions from Mandurang. Happy Nostalgia After not driving for years and not owning a car (I rented one),…

  • Time after Time

    Time after Time

    Last week, a friend and I were reflecting on time and I believe this is a great blog topic. Besides not having enough money, other people not really getting us and our health being challenging, lacking time seems to be one of the major reasons why we cannot be happy. Do you agree? Have you…

  • Manifesting 10k per month

    Manifesting 10k per month

    Abundance and manifesting – yes, I’m back at this topic. Not so surprising when we remember that I made myself homeless because I didn’t have enough money for rent. At the same time, I’m not worried. There’s always been money for the things I really wanted. I just can’t “order” or manifest a random sum…

  • Dropping Weight

    Dropping Weight

    It’s been a while. I had to drop out and do life stuff… dropping weight. How? Here it goes: First, on my last day of tutoring I made the decision to move out of my home of 11 years and become… well, homeless. After my now-ex-husband moved out 3 years ago, the rent was way…

  • Manifesting


    Manifesting. That’s today’s topic. There’s hype about manifesting in the self-development world. Some of these manifesting gurus earn millions (which they probably manifested successfully). So, what is it? It’s wanting something and getting it. But it’s more than wanting a dress, going shopping and buying one. When you manifest, you’ll get the perfect dress without…

  • Episode 35 – Identity

    Episode 35 – Identity

    Identity is that enigmatic essence that makes each of us uniquely ourselves. While it’s easy to think of identity as a fixed construct, the truth is far more fascinating. Identity is a fluid concept, a dynamic tapestry woven from various threads that constantly evolve and intertwine. Some aspects of our identity may be rooted in…

  • Episode 31 – Power

    Episode 31 – Power

    Happiness and power – how do they relate? Well, it really depends on how it is used. What is power? Power is usually defined as control, authority, domination and influence. However, it really matters how we talk about it. A social work blog post explains that there are four types. Power over assumes finite resources…

  • Episode 23 – Resources

    Episode 23 – Resources

    In episode 23 of the Exploring Happiness Podcast, I explore resources, the fourth pillar of the Exploring Happiness Framework. The Exploring Happiness Framework helps us to understand happiness and identify what we can do to feel happy consistently. This episode examines four resources relevant to happiness: money, time, belongings or tools and energy. While belongings…