Episode 26 – Happiness Definition
Last season, I explored happiness definitions. I finally have developed my own one. In this episode, I unpack this happiness definition. My happiness definition has several elements: embracing challenges, creating positive moments and acknowledging negative emotions. The aim is consistent happiness, returning to positive emotions after experiencing negative ones. The first part is about embracing…
Episode 25 – Letting Go
This episode of the Exploring Happiness podcast is dedicated to letting go, the last pillar of the Exploring Happiness Framework. While the other pillars – dreams, resources, mindset, health and connections – are about accepting control and taking action to be happy, letting go is the opposite. Letting go describes being prepared, having set up…
Episode 24 – Dreams
I’ll talk about dreams in this episode of the Exploring Happiness Podcast. Dreams is the fifth pillar of the Exploring Happiness Framework. I have identified dreams as a pillar because our dreams show us what interests us, which way we might want to explore next and where our natural talents and skills are used best.…
Episode 23 – Resources
In episode 23 of the Exploring Happiness Podcast, I explore resources, the fourth pillar of the Exploring Happiness Framework. The Exploring Happiness Framework helps us to understand happiness and identify what we can do to feel happy consistently. This episode examines four resources relevant to happiness: money, time, belongings or tools and energy. While belongings…
Episode 22 – Connections
This episode is part of the Exploring Happiness Framework series. Connections is pillar number 3. For us humans, it is super important to connect. We feel safer in numbers. Connecting with others releases Oxytocin which makes us happy. It helps us to trust others and bond with them. There are two types of connections –…
Episode 21 – Health
This episode is part of the Exploring Happiness Framework series. Health is the second pillar of the framework. This pillar deals with creating the capacity to feel happy. If you are worn out and exhausted, it is very difficult to feel happy. Therefore, it is important for happiness that you look after your body and…
Episode 20 – Mindset
After introducing the Exploring Happiness Framework in the last episode, this episode is dedicated to the first pillar of the framework: Mindset. I’m diving into all the things we can influence but also those which influence us more than they should. While our thoughts can dominate us, we can also work out how to control…
Episode 19 – The Exploring Happiness Framework
The Exploring Happiness podcast is back with a second season, starting with the Exploring Happiness Framework. I developed the framework after extensive research. The six pillars, Mindset, Health, Connections, Resources, Dreams and Letting Go, are based on what I identified as happy or unhappy makers. These are the levers and buttons we can use to…
Episode 18 – Happiness & Success
The final episode 18 of the first season of the Exploring Happiness podcast, it’s all about success. One reason is that I see my start in podcasting as successful. Maybe not award-winning successful… yet… but successful in terms of starting from scratch and building up something. That is exactly the point of this episode. Success…
Episode 17 – Gender Equality
In episode 17 of the Exploring Happiness podcast, I’m dabbling in the topic of gender equality. I’m focused on the individual and couple/family level. While it is a complex issue involving a lot of factors, there is always something we individuals can do to improve the situation. As a woman, I find that many women…